2018 - OPEN 19th

2018 - OPEN 19th

2018 - OPEN 19th


China | 2018 | OPEN 19th Guangzhou-Solo and Festival

Title "path"

Since first en­te­ring the peo­ple's hall in Xiaoz­hou Vil­lage I asked my­self what role it might have played in the bloo­dy years of the re­vo­lu­ti­on?

The work path star­ted as a walk from the gal­le­ry art space –also done as a connec­ti­on bet­ween the ve­nues.

The way through the vil­lage streets had so­me­thing ir­ri­ta­ting for the re­si­dents - no­bo­dy walks ba­re­foot through the al­leys and ba­lan­ces an - ob­vious­ly heavy - bu­cket on his head.

Ar­ri­ved in the peo­ple's hall I put the bu­cket on a pe­de­stal.

In order to de­fi­ne the hall as free space and to cool down the tem­pe­ra­ture from 40° C, I emp­tied a bu­cket of water on each side of the hall with a big throw.

Like as­king a ques­ti­on I star­ted now lay­ing a glass path. Due to their own weight, they fell flat onto the stone floor. A sin­gle grain of sand would be enough to burst the sheet.

The way back led al­ways over the laid glass panes around one - or two new panes to take up and drive the path fur­ther. None of the glass plates broke. Only at the end - since the path to the steps lea­ding to the stage was too nar­row - the last sheet shat­te­red, al­most equi­va­lent to a sa­l­va­ti­on.

The bu­cket was pi­cked up from the pe­de­stal and car­ried on the head over the glass path to the stage, ba­lan­cing and em­pty­ing the steps above my head. Litt­le glass tubes fil­led with water came out of the bu­cket and pou­red them­sel­ves over the head down the body to the steps, where they cras­hed loud­ly...

The ques­ti­on of an in­ves­ti­ga­ti­on into the his­to­ry of the hall re­mains un­ans­we­red.

China | 2018 | OPEN 19th Guangzhou-Solo and Festival

Pic­tu­res D.Dit­zer