RolfHinterecker Home Hierarchien Laboratories small moss machine weightlessness contaminated Light to ArToll Organized Matter Cycles of Silence Water Lily Machine Kitchen Salt Laboratory Trolleys Springkrautmaschine Genome Gnome Projects CRISPR/CAS 9 1. Outdoor Experiment River Laboratory L'6 Hong Kong G-Gnome-Project Voliere development its all painting addicted to painting 9x9 Keuphalle conversation with trees Drawings Beuys-Hare Cycle Tents / Sardinia Zug-Um-Zug Amtsgericht Wurzelgramme 2022 Objects / Sculptering viruses and other narratives further experiments Rejected Projects Hong Kong Moss Machine Backup Steam Locomotive Chao-Praha-Raft Social Archaeology The roof laboratory Moss Mashine 05 Actions / Performance-Art exposing plants Flip Flopp Line Bondi Beach MIPAF Glass-Tube-Ride Wien Traffic Island AGTC A Global Affair way to the fountain Homage to Mary Bauermeister 2008 ASIATOPIA 2018 OPEN Guangzhou Networks / Festivals Atelier / Studio CV Deutsch Englisch Kontakt Flip Flopp Line 2015 | Flip Flopp Line | Philippines Capone / Island Fotos: Evamaria Schaller Flip Flopp Line Flip Flopp Line Flip Flopp Line Flip Flopp Line Flip Flopp Line Flip Flopp Line Flip Flopp Line Flip Flopp Line Flip Flopp Line Flip Flopp Line