In 2008, Asia­to­pia In­ter­na­ti­o­nal Per­for­mance Art Fes­ti­val, the lon­gest run­ning art fes­ti­val in Sou­th­e­ast Asia is ce­le­bra­ting its 10th an­ni­ver­sa­ry. Over the years, Asia­to­pia has brought to Thai­land 250 ar­tists, art cri­tics and wri­ters from 29 coun­tries to meet, learn and share ideas about per­for­mance art.

Run by ar­tists, Asia­to­pia spe­cia­li­zes in Sou­th­e­ast Asian per­for­mance art and has cre­a­ted a re­gi­o­nal and an in­ter­na­ti­o­nal net­work of per­for­mance ar­tists who meet at this an­nu­al fes­ti­val and are now a strong com­mu­ni­ty. Asia­to­pia has also sup­por­ted many Thai ar­tists to par­ti­ci­pa­te in other per­for­mance art fes­ti­val around the world.

Asia­to­pia 2008 las­ted from 31. of Oc­to­ber until 27th of Nov. with about 100 per­for­ming ar­tists. The lar­gest Per­for­mance fes­ti­val ever or­ga­ni­zed - per­fect and pro­fes­si­o­nal and still warm words to all the fri­ends - ama­zing –and re­spect to the team of Chum­pon and all vol­un­teers.

Pho­tos Co­py­right: Jür­gen Fritz and D.Dit­zer

Thailand I 2008 | 10 Years of ASIATOPIA

Lea­ving the space to the streets of Bang­kok

Thanks Pai­san .......

Thailand I 2008 | 10 Years of ASIATOPIA

Pho­to­gra­phers: Jür­gen Fritz, Dag­mar Dit­zer, Rolf Hin­te­r­e­cker

ASIATOPIA 10 the live arround and performances

The artists:

sche­du­le 1st week 31 Oct-2 Nov

ope­ning ses­si­on
2nd SE Asia Per­for­mance Art Sym­po­si­um: Chum­pon Api­suk: Per­for­mance Art Mo­ve­ment in SE Asia, Iwan Wi­jo­no: Per­fur­ban­ce – Vil­lage site fes­ti­val, In­do­ne­sia
Black Mar­ket talk by Jur­gen Fritz ,
1. Heike Gaess­ler (G) 2. Hong O-Bong (Korea) 3. Hi­ro­mi Shi­rai (Japan) 4. Yo­yo­yo­gas­ma­na (In­do­ne­sia) 5. Rolf Hin­te­r­e­cker (Aus­tria) 6. Koh Siu Lan (Hong Kong) 7. Vi­chu­korn Tang­pai­boon (Th) 8. Ju­li­a­na Yasin (Sin­ga­po­re) 9. Chum­pon Api­suk (Th) 10. Mong­kol Pli­en­bang­chang (Th) 11. Iwan Wi­jo­no (In­do­ne­sia) 12. Moe Satt(Myan­mar) & Sha­ron Chin (Ma­lay­sia) 13. Kaori Haba (Japan) 14. Te­ruyu­ki Tana­ka (Japan) 15. Jur­gen Fritz (G) 16. Eric Létour­neau (Ca­na­da) 17. Yuan Mor’O Ocam­po (Phil­ip­pi­nes) 18. No­pa­wan Si­ri­ve­j­kul (Th) 19. Malu Boix (Spain) 20. Mrat Lunn Ht­wann (Myan­mar)

2nd week 7- 9 Nov Arrv. 5 Nov Dprt. 10 Nov

Sym­po­si­um, (con­ti­nue)
Mideo Cruz: Open up di­a­logue in Phil­ip­pi­nes, Me­la­ti Su­ryo­dar­mo: un­disclo­sed Ter­ri­te­ry in Solo, Jawa, Chaw Ei: Per­for­mance Art in Myan­mar today, Kai Lam: fu­ture of Ima­gi­na­ti­on, Tran Luong: Doing so­me­thing Else
1. Andre Stitt (Wales) 2. Tran Luong(Vi­et­nam) 3. Chak­krit Chim­nok (Th) 4.Me­la­ti Su­ryo­dar­mo (In­do­ne­sia) 5.Arah­maia­ni (In­do­ne­sia) 6. Hel­mut Lemke(G) 7. Pai­san Pli­en­bang­chang(Th) 8. Mike Hentz (Swiss) 9. Ray lan­gen­bach(USA) 10. Chaw Ei Thein (Myan­mar) 11. Rich Streit­mat­ter -Tran (Vi­et­nam) 12. Rac­quel de Lo­yo­la (Phil­ip­pi­nes) 13. Fa­bi­en Mont­mar­tin (Fran­ce) 14. Zhou Bin (China) 15. Bui Cong Khanh(Vi­et­nam) 16. Nez­a­ket Ekici (Tur­key) 17. Ying­mei Duan (China) 18. Arai Shin-Ichi (Japan) 19. Dan Mcke­reghan (USA) 20. Ma­ri­lyn Arsem (USA) 21. Jamie McMur­rey (USA.) 23. Yeh Tsu-Chi(Tai­wan) 24. Peter Baren(NL) 25. Bar­tek Lu­ka­si­e­wicz (Poland)

4th week 21-23 Nov Arrv. 19 Nov. Dprt. 24 Nov

Sym­po­si­um (con­ti­nue)
Heru Hi­ka­yat: Per­for­mance Art in In­do­ne­sia, today, Lee Wen: Per­for­mance art in Asia, Helge Meyer: “Pain”:
1. Boris Nies­lony (G) 2. Helge Meyer (G) 3. Nor­bert Klas­sen (Swiss) 4. Roi Vaara (Fin­land) 5. Lee Wen(Sin­ga­po­re) 6. Alas­ta­ir MacLen­nan (North Ir­land) 7. Jac­ques van Pop­pel (NL) 8. My­ri­am La­plan­te (Italy) 9. Ger­tru­de Moser-Wag­ner(Aus­tria) 10. Va­le­ri­an Maly (Swiss) 11. Klara Schi­lin­ger (Swiss) 12. Karl Bruck­schwai­ger(Aus­tria) 13. Sa­bi­ne Marte (Aus­tria) 14. Noor Ef­fen­dy Ibra­him(Sin­ga­po­re) 15. Kai Lam(Sin­ga­po­re) 16. Ju­li­et Lea(Aus­tra­lia) 17. Cha­rles Drey­fuss(Fran­ce) 18. Ah­li­en(Tai­wan) 19. Chen Jin(China) 20. Fran­cis O'Shaugh­nes­sy (Ca­na­da) 21. Phyu Mon (Myan­mar) 22. TAGAMI Ma­chi­ko (Japan) 23. Wal­de­mar Ta­ta­r­c­zuk(Poland) 24. Aung ko (Myan­mar) 25. Jo­lan­ta La­pi­ak (Ca­na­da) 26. Angie Seah(Sin­ga­po­re) 27. Mari No­vot­ny-Jones (USA) 28. Milan Ko­hout (Czech) 29. Agnes Yit (Sin­ga­po­re)

5th week 28-30 Nov Arrv 26 Nov Dprt 1 Dec

1. Saki­ko Ya­mao­ka (Japan) 2.Artur Ta­j­ber(Poland) 3. Arti Gra­bow­ski (Poland) 4. Bar­to­lo­me Fer­ran­do (Spain) 5. Ri­chard Mar­tel (Ca­na­da) 6. Va­len­tin Tor­rens (Spain) 7. Jan Swid­zin­ski (Poland) 8. Re­stu­a­rant Eu­r­o­pa Group (Poland) 9. Zai Kun­ning (Sin­ga­po­re) 10. Ju­li­en Blai­ne (Fran­ce) 11.De­mo­sthe­nes Agraio­tis (Gree­ce) 12.Matt­hi­as Jackish (G) 13. Ba­r­ba­ra Sturm (Swiss) 14.Tony Schwen­sen (Aus­tra­lia) 15. Brian Pat­ter­son (Ire­land) 16. Li­li­a­ne Zum­ke­mi (Swiss) 17. Vasan Sit­thi­ket (Th) 18. Lushan Liu (China) 19. An­dree We­sch­ler (Sin­ga­po­re) 20. Shu Yang(China) 21. Yuenjie Maru (Hong­Kong) 22. Pa­dungs­ak Kot­cha­sum­rong (Th) 23. Kosit Jun­ta­ra­tip (Th) 24. Len Jit­ti­ma (Th) 25. Je­re­my Hiah & Cai Qing (China) & Fri­ends (Sin­ga­po­re & China)